Saturday, March 31, 2012

They call me Frosty...

These past weeks have been great. Ahh, the weather was so, so perfect. I felt like the statue of liberty, just gazing upon humanity and all of mother earth's creatures frolicking near me. With this broom in my hand, I felt unstoppable. I felt an inner urge to scream "come at me bro" whenever I saw a rabbit pass by. But on the other hand, I felt a sense of responsibility. I felt that I had been chosen to protect these beautiful creations. Maybe I was a protector. Either way, I felt powerful, and I was at the threshold of my life. But now, things have changed.

No longer do I like the weather. The dominance of Winter has subsided, only to be conquered by the almighty Spring. Alas, I see my fate. My body can't cope with this new atmosphere! Ahh, I think I'm melting! Why am I slowly starting to feel "liquidy?" This is absolutely embarrassing. Those rabbits over there are laughing at me. What did I do to deserve this? Am I just a creature meant to exist only during the periods of the cold? What is that God forsaken bright yellow hunk of mass in the sky? Ahh, it burns my eyes. The amount of pain I'm experiencing is directly proportional to how much I've shrunken. Oh, cruel fate! I feel powerless in the face of nature.

6 hours have passed since the beginning of Spring. All that is left of me now is my nose, a bright orange carrot gifted to me by mankind. At least the melting has stopped. However, I don't feel as powerful as I used to be. Look what I have been degraded to! Is that a rabbit over there? I can't tell. Why is it running towards me so quickly? Maybe he wants to be my friend. Wait a second! Hey! Stop that! This is unfair! I think this was one of the rabbits who was laughing at me earlier. Now I know why.

~They called me Frosty...

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